- 类型:冒险游戏
- 发行:Double Fine Productions
- 发售:2009-10
- 开发:Double Fine Productions
- 语言:英文
- 平台:XBOX360
- 标签:剧情
Update 13:~~~~~~~~~~
This patch contains several performance optimizations in the
On most machines, the game should run about 20% faster.
Update 12:
Major Fixes
* no more quitting crash
* Game crashes when opponent disconnects
* Some people are finding the game is rendering cutscenes and
big for their screens, resulting in the screen only showing
1/4 of the image. - Caused by forcing a resolution under gr
* Favored achievement doesn't unlock, as game doesn't correct
* Tiny spiders don't spawn from bodies in lair
* Feedback visual effect caused by the amps on the Screaming
causes brief screen tearing and artifacts (both in-game and
This is more pronounced on the story mission involving it.
* Beer mission extremely hard in high-sim
* When changing the heads of Mt.Rockmore the UI says to press
It should really be 'E', Esc only bring up the in-game menu
other prompts for this area have been reported as incorrect
* Ambient Occlusion visible through grass
* History/lore background is transparent (shows game screen),
opaque black
* Broken Achievements: Overkill and Protector
* Reward for hunting missions does not unlock
* Raptor elk (Summoned with call of the wild) don't cast any
Eddie is riding one
* Deuce has weird ghosting effect during cutscenes on high-si
* Some prompts are not appearing, including "concept art unlo
and bound serpent/motorforge-related popups. Improving, but
Rewards for getting serpents still missing
* Sound effects seem to be significantly lower quality than m
* Late in the game when you return to bladehenge, everything
black and white Probably related to skies afire bug below
* When switching from controller to mouse, mouse input regist
slow movement, and stops after the pointer hits the edge of
* Mouse control on radial menus can be tricky to select diago
* Game not saving properly for some people. Chapters list sho
chapters, but can't load chapter saves or select continue.
* Eddie's ID tags frequently pass through his chest in cutsce
* Shadows seem to be drawn in reverse - as you approach, they
* Skies Afire turns the game to black and white - not the was
look on consoles, but proper black/white (including the sky
* Missing prompts for unlocking songs, changing tracks when i
* Colour correction goes too far during lamprey feeding area
way less saturated than on consoles. Issue begins shortly a
through the doors in the car
* After alt-tabbing, menus are completely black. Loading a mu
then leaving resolves this. This can also be triggered by c
other than brightness under display settings
* Chrome shader broken, causing many chrome objects to appear
(including spiders)
* Special characters in some languages (French confirmed) are
black boxes
* When using a controller, the mouse cursor is not hidden
* Default key binds still place the right speaker attack and
functions on the same key so you can't use the right speake
* Whispering Rock achievement doesn't unlock
* Map is hard to navigate with keyboard, and can't be used wi
(may need to delete preferences file for this to take effect
- located in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Doublefine
* Sometimes keyboard stops responding, while mouse continues
* Some users reporting issues with default sound mix
* Druid chanting in the opening sequence is too loud
* Career totals aren't always saved correctly, and have been
stuck or reset
* "Leaving map" warning not present in MP
* Mouse moves camera while using radial menus
* MISSING DIALOGUE - Many of Ozzie's comments when buying stu
played. May only apply when using a mouse.
* Back slot category in the motor forge glitches out
* Oceans often fail to render on AMD cards
* Light of the gods (marker beacon) doesn't appear 80% of the
* Feeding area monster has no roar in cutscene
* Map doesn't let you instantly get out of it after looking a
(backspace won't respond again after a few seconds)
* MISSING CUTSCENE - Doviculus finding Ophelia's knife, after
* Spiral in sky is broken on Feeding Area (probably other map
* Some menu elements are still not mouse clickable, most nota
"difficulty," "invite friends," and "back" buttons in the A
as well as the buttons in the confirmation dialogue after h
this menu. Other confirmation dialogues are clickable thoug
* Lines appearing through unit construction indicators
* Character animation sometimes plays at a lower framerate th
* After entering the menu, the displayed FPS through Fraps re
but it seems to be introducing microstutters which I suspec
to 30. To reproduce this, start a new match and fly. Use th
the camera at a constant slow speed
(or better, use a controller's right stick)
Pause and resume the game, and watch the background.
Everything moves much less smoothly.
* Doviculus doesn't cast a shadow, only his sceptre/staff doe
* Add maps to loading screens (as seen on consoles)
* Ophelia's wings are solid black sheets, and appear to be mi
tendrils they had on consoles
* Framerate is locked to 30FPS
* Remove "Do not turn off power" message during startup. Peop
* Shadows are completely nonfunctional on some computers now
* Transparency is broken on some of the UI elements in game
(such as the completion notice for guitar solos)
* Some people are getting horzontal lines on the ground in ga
are no shadows
* No option to remap the sprint key (it's called Boost)
* The Chains of Hell solo from Tainted Coil doesn't seem to b
* Camera speed has a maximum, so trying to make quick turns w
frustrating (even with sensitivity on maximum)
* Massive framerate drops at the end of multiplayer matches -
linked to Tainted Coil stage collapse
* Mouse selection in the radial menus is very sluggish and ha
Update 11:
Major Fixes
* Fix for crash when players disconnect
* Fix for crash when starting a multiplayer game
* Fix for users getting a loss when opponents quit
Update 10:
Major Fixes
* Fix for matchmaking
* Fix for the Tourist and Champion achievements
* Performance improvements for rendering foliage
Update 9:
Major Fixes
* Fix for the disconnect crash
* Fix for the authentication error
* Authentication errors will no longer count as a loss
* Fix for the fan geyser leech alignment
* Fire Tributes earned from mission victories now count towar
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