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菲斯 v1.06a升级档+破解补丁[3DM]

  • 补丁类型:升级补丁
  • 整理时间:2013-05-13
  • 大小:105.80MB
  • 补丁制作:3DMGAME
  • 补丁语言:英文
  • 版本:



Version 1.06


- Fixed stuck doors for the weightswitch, owl and waterfall puzzle doors

- Fixed that the New Game+ state would get cleared after exiting the game without starting a New Game+

- Fixed bug where the save selection would show the red save icon but not progress to the main menu

- Fixed bug related to music streaming and threading lock usage

- Added CLI flag to address threaded content loading issues : --singlethreaded

- Fixed stuck dot dialog when getting hurt by a bomb while she's talking

- Added back the missing falling "text" during the hexahedron encounter cutscene

- Added error messages for unsupported Intel driver versions

- When setting an unsupported resolution, the game now falls back to the current/native one

- Tentative fix for bugs related to not-a-number floating point errors in the camera math

- Default menu highlight is on Start New Game+ when it's available, to reduce accidental save file clearing

- Added a controller vibration toggle in game options

- Fixed rare bug related to the tuning fork puzzles

- Fixed bug where the application data directory is written to before being created

Version 1.05


- Fixed the "Error initializing audio subsystem" error

- Fixed the bug where "Continue Game" is greyed out when reloading a valid save game

- Fixed that map icons did not show up on Intel HD Graphics chips

- Running the game "As Administator" should not necessary anymore

- Fixed random crash bug when loading between levels

- Tentative fix for transitioning to levels in the background while using endgame feature

- Game now checks for available disc space on start (200Mb required)

- Added CLI flag to disable joystick support : --no-gamepad

- Added CLI flag to assume/force 60fps : --force-60hz (this is equivalent to the MonoGame DLL hack that's been going around)

- Added CLI flag for debug tracing : --trace (please use this when reporting crashes)

- Fixed sprite alignment of corner ledge animations

- Final cutscene will play even if you glitched your way to more than 64 cubes

- Added tentative support for retroactive or glitched/non-unlocked achievements (Steam)

- Fixed cloning/duplicate/infinite anti-cube glitch

- Game should not force a resolution that is not supported by the display device on first run

- Added slightly broader support for Intel HD cards with outdated drivers

- NOTE : The "Debug Log.txt" file is now located in %APPDATA%\FEZ\, the one in the FEZ directory is stale and won't be written to

Version 1.04


- Tentative fix for missing world map icons on Intel HD Graphics 3000 and 4000 cards

- Added experimental CLI flag for variable timestep (--variable-time-step), may break game physics, try at your own risk!

- Fixed possible crash during loading screens

- Fixed window scaling problem when using higher Windows DPI settings

- Fixed leaderboard crash with unmapped characters in usernames

- Game no longer forces 1280x720 resolution on first run if it's not supported

- Sound effect volume setting now applied when starting game

- Fixed possible crash with music buffering

- Fixed problem where doors would remain closed forever after exiting or crashing out of a level

- Tentative fix for invisible pages in tome

- Number of anti-cubes now capped at 32, if you somehow manage to find 33!

Version 1.03


- Fixed crash-on-load errors for systems with Turkish regional settings

- Fixed possible crash when accessing video settings

- Fixed wrong letterboxing when going fullscreen with some 16:9 resolutions

Version 1.02


- Fixed memory leak for OpenAL buffers and sources

- Fixed music-related crash in all puzzle rooms with the "Knowledge" music track

- Fixed "invalid entry point" error when changing resolution or exiting the game with older OpenGL GPUs

Version 1.01


- Fixed random crash issue when starting a new game

Version 1.0


- Initial release

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已有7人评分 您还未评分!
  • 类型:休闲益智
  • 发行:Polytron
  • 发售:2013-07-16(PC)
  • 开发:Polytron
  • 语言:简中
  • 平台:PC Switch PS3
  • 标签:创意复古小清新

玩家点评 0人参与,0条评论)




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